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The Tail End

Thinking about your life in weeks puts it into perspective. Check this video and blog post out.

If we lived to 100 years of age, we would have 5200 weeks of life starting at birth.

We spend 600 weeks being a kid and 400 weeks being a teenager. By the time we are 20, over 1000 weeks have passed. Typically during our 20s, 30s, and 40s, we spend our time working and starting families. Most people continue to work well into their 60s. At 65, you have used up 3400 of your 5200 weeks. If we retire at 65, we only have about 1800 weeks left to live to 100. The current life expectancy in the US is 79. That gives us a total of 4108 weeks of life starting at birth. That's only if cancer, injuries, diseases, or accidents doesn't hit us.

There are only so many weeks left in our life. As of 2021 in the US, the life expectancy is 79. However, we are not guaranteed to live that long.

What I realized from this video:

  1. Don't wait till retirement to enjoy life.

  2. If you don't use your time today, you may not get to use it tomorrow.

  3. The time you have with the people you love is precious.

  4. Do activities that bring you joy.

  5. Reach out to people you've been meaning to contact.

  6. Life is a gift.

  7. Decide on how you want to live out your days and with whom.

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