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Documentary to watch

Have you seen The Alpinist yet? If not, watch it soon! It's inspiring and adventurous. It's something I would never do, but I admire Marc-Andre's ambition and bravery to go after what he wants.

Some things I learned from the film:

  1. Figure out what you want to do in your life and make a plan to go after it.

  2. Live each day as if it is your last.

  3. Don't care about what other people think. They are too busy thinking about themselves anyway.

  4. Take it day by day. Practice makes progress.

  5. It's important to let your loved ones often know how much you love and care about them because you just never know.

  6. Be a part of a community of like-minded individuals.

  7. Focus on the most important task and don't get distracted.

  8. Be present.

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